ReDesign + ReOrganize

Rebecca Stisser : REorganization + REdesign

First impressions make a ZHOOZH!!!

As we all know too well, first impressions almost ALWAYS make a lasting impression.  

The way you present yourself DOES make a difference.  Whether it is on the phone or face to face, a first impression can, and most likely will, set a lasting impression.

With this in mind, the way you present yourself in how you live says ALOT about who you are.  It's true.  (Don't gasp and stop intent is not to shame you, but inspire you!!!)

It takes just a little effort to "zhoozh" up your life. In this case, I am talking about your house...particularly your front door...what people see first when coming over to visit you.  Think small...a fresh coat of paint on your front door, a wreath, a fun door mat, good lighting, new address numbers...a live plant or two...and, my personal favorite, a simple flag! 

A RED door, ceramic numbers, a simple star, and flag holders grab your attention immediately!

A simple woven basket with LIVE plants greet you with cheerful color!  
The flags are a nice touch, too....!!!

The stars capture your attention immediately--not to mention they are GLITTERY!!!

A simple bow, some twine, and a tin star ZHOOZH up this fun wreath!

Take a seat! Take a seat! Take a load off your feet...hey, hey!

Star and Stripes fabric runs the length of the fencing behind the red chairs...
take note of the red ribbon tied to the Oak tree.  

More flags and another red ribbon in the distance...

Red Ribbons zhoozh up our OAK trees in honor of the MIGHTY OAKES ORTYL!!!
If you don't know the story of Mighty Oakes, read about him...he will change your life forever, I promise.  He is MIGHTIER than any Olympian that has ever lived.  True story.

Wish I had this flag for my house right now!!!

With the Olympics taking place right now in London...a little outdoor "zhoozhing" seems appropriate to celebrate our MIGHTY athletes and our even MIGHTIER country...Go TEAM USA!