ReDesign + ReOrganize

Rebecca Stisser : REorganization + REdesign

AN AWFUL need of some serious love.

A high school girlfriend of mine emailed me a few months back asking for help with her office.  Of course I was more that willing to help her transform her AWFUL (to quote her) office into a gorgeous room that she and her family would LOVE to use to do homework, computer work, read or do projects.  

Below is our chain of emails to get this party started!!!


Hey Girl!  How are you?  I love your website, what you did for Heidi, etc...

Would love for you to come over and help me with my "office".  It now consists of an old desk, a computer, a bookshelf and an old metal filing cabinet.  I would love for it to be a cozy office/retreat/study/crafty place : )

Call me when you are free and hopefully set up a date for you to come over.

Thanks Rebecca!


Can you tell me what the space currently is, where it is, and what you'd love from the space?  Thx!


The room is 12x11 with a window measuring 4 1/2 x 4 1/2 on the North side and a closet on the other.  It is located upstairs with two other bedrooms.  It really has just become a "crap" holder and it's where our computer is that we all use quite often.

I don't have a job, but I do have the Marikle Foundation stuff, I do all the bills in here so files and checkbooks, office stuff, magazines, camera and camcorder.
I have a desk in here that I hate and there isn't much lighting.  No overhead lighting. Took the rug out.  Really the only thing I have to keep in this room is the computer/printer.

What I would love:
Fresh, light and airy.  I love quotes, pictures and colors.  Orange is my favorite right now, just sayin'.  I LOVE to be organized, but am not at all.  I could stare at a newly organized drawer and smile for hours.  I want to eliminate all the stuff I don't use and have the bare essentials.  Don't know if there is room, but I am imaging the girls being cozy in a part of the room, reading, studying, doing homework, etc. They have brand new papasan chairs that don't fit in their rooms (mother-in-law's idea) that I would be willing to put in this office (either one or both).

Is that cool?  Let me know what to start working on or thinking of.  Can't wait!!!
Thank you.


Hello, Girlfriend!  Loved your email---very descriptive---you know what you like and don't like, so that is half of your problem solved!  I looked at my schedule and I am free this Thursday or Friday morning after 10 ish if you want to meet about your office.  Let me know if either of these mornings work, if not we can look into other dates.  In the meantime, try to think of a color that you would like on your walls that is on the lighter side than could compliment ORANGE.  Maybe a pale blue?  Very light in color and the orange will just pop off of it.  I am super excited to help you LOVE your new office!  Easy peasy....seriously!

(View from the entry door...tons of light and very that!)

(Loved the bench in FRONT of the closet...what?!?)

(Notice all the great art she has framed and stacked in the corner...)

(Bare wall...begging to be noticed!)

Stay tuned for the AWFUL Office's not so AWFUL anymore!