Sewing Room Stools REupholstered! rebecca StisserMarch 2, 2014Before and after, Lilly Pulitzer, REdo, REupholster, fabric, staple gun
Spindle Chair REupholster REveal rebecca StisserFebruary 10, 2014Before and after, REupholster, REveal, hustle, spindle chair
It's the HUSTLE that I LOVE…The Spindle Chair. rebecca StisserFebruary 7, 2014One King's Lane, Pier One, REupholster, REveal, Williams Sonoma Home, beaded chair, bobbin chair, hustle, spindle chair
Out with the OLD…In with the NEW! (Furniture for REsale!) rebecca StisserJanuary 29, 2014Pier One, Pottery Barn, REsale, REupholster, antique chair, bar stools, dining table, wool rug
5 Piece Dining Room Set for REsale! rebecca StisserMay 14, 2013Dining Room, Ernest Hemingway, REsale, REupholster, Thomasville, chairs
REupholstered 1960's Swivel Chairs! rebecca StisserApril 26, 20131960s, REupholster, REveal, fabric, swivel chairs